There are many bioactive compounds within the Shiitake mushroom, including the polysaccharide, lentinan, which is shown to increase the activity of the immune system [3]. Further, beta-gluans and ergosterols found within the mushroom have also been seen to prevent sclerosis (the hardening of arteries), which in turn may support a healthy cardiovascular system [1].
The Shiitake mushroom also works wonders for our skin and hair. The mushroom contains large quantities of the amino acid l-Ergothioneine, which helps to reduce damage from UV light [4, 5]. In addition to this, the mushroom is a rich source for vitamin D [6] and also has many polysaccharides and triterpenes that serve as antioxidants and anti-irritants, which stimulate the natural renewal process of the skin. Therefore this mushroom can be particularly effective in skin care applications that protect against photoageing and improving skin elasticity [7].
INGREDIENTS: Distilled Water, Organic Alcohol, Lentinula Edodes. (Lentinula Edodes. Mycelial Biomass, Lentinula Edodes. Fruiting Body), Natural Wild Harvested Kakadu Plum.