A mood boosting, antioxidant rich drinking chocolate blend that is completely sugar free. Going sugar free does not mean missing out on the good stuff. Hot or cold…we all love drinking chocolate right? Amazonian superfood cacao is most certainly NOT a sometimes food. Cacao powder is antioxidant rich (40 x the amount of blueberries!), it’s the highest plant based source of iron, it’s loaded with magnesium for a healthy heart & brain and also has more calcium than cows milk.
To sweeten, we have used a natural sweetener called Xylitol. We love it for so many reasons. It’s a natural sweetener derived from the fibrous parts of the birch tree. Xylitol looks and tastes like sugar (no aftertaste), has 40% less calories and doesn’t raise blood sugar levels. Oh, and it may also reduce levels of decay-causing bacteria in saliva. Pretty cool hey?