A weed whose name comes from the deep, yellow root. The blue-green leaves are alternative, basal with wavy edges. The leaves that grow off the stem are about double the size of the leaves that grow further up off the stalk of the flower. The flower spikes have green flowered with fruits that turn dark brown in Autumn. The fruits have 3 wings. Tends to grow in waste places.
The leaves are commonly used in salads. When the taste is bitter they are normally boiled in 2 or more changes of water. The leaf is used for fevers, inflammation, and scurvy.
Yellow dock is famed for its high iron content. It is also high in other minerals. It is also used as a mild laxative, and to help detoxify the liver and gall bladder.
Its often used internally and externally for skin complaints.
The root is used for constipation, diarrhea, constant menstruation, skin problems, rheumatism, and the liver. The anthraquinone content makes it a common remedy used to get the bowels moving effectively, but is much gentler than other herbs that have lower bowel purging properties. Sometimes called a ‘blood cleanser.’
Its high Tannin content means it has been recommended to take every other week.1
The leaves have been used externally for nettle stings (a stinging herb.)