How is ZeoActiv8 used? ZeoActiv8 is best used in suspension with a water base for the formulation of specific nutritional and health supplements. Medical and health practitioners who develop formulations to target the specific needs of a patient, want to make sure that those ingredients achieve their maximum potential. In order to do this they need to be made bioavailable available to the body.
In other words they need to be distributed to the parts of the body where they are required to be absorbed and metabolised so the body can utilise them efficiently. Just like you add a petrol additive to your engine to help your car use petrol more efficiently, ZeoActiv8 is the efficiency additive for your nutritional and health supplements.
Because the zeolite form used in ZeoActiv8 has high water absorption characteristics, it is important that any formulations using ZeoActiv8 are accompanied with directions to consume plentiful amounts of water – up to 2-3 litres daily.