Showing 37–48 of 129 results

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Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer by Donald R Yance with Arlene Valentine

More and more people who have been diagnosed with cancer or related illnesses embrace alternative medicines, and seek out holistic practitioners who use vitamins, herbs, nutrition, homeopathy, and acupuncture to treat the disease. This long-awaited book by Donald Yance--one of the nation's most respected herbalists--is a major contribution to the literature of natural healing and cancer.

Herbs & Natural Supplements (4th Edition – 2 Volumes) by Lesley Braun & Marc Cohen

Herbs and Natural Supplements, 4th Edition: An evidence-based guide is an authoritative, evidence-based reference. This two-volume resource is essential to the safe and effective use of herbal, nutritional and food supplements. Volume 1: Provides a foundation of knowledge in the clinical practice of complementary medicine. It emphasises safe practice with strategies to prevent adverse drug reactions, guidelines in assessing benefit, risk and harm and the evaluation of research. Volume 2: Provides current, evidence-based monographs on the 132 most popular herbs, nutrients and food supplements.
  • Comprehensive review of herbal medicine, clinical nutrition, aromatherapy and food as medicine
  • Patient safety and wellness
  • Considerations in preoperative care and pregnancy
  • Use in the treatment of cancer
  • Herb/nutrient - drug interactions
Provides up-to-date evidence on the latest research impacting on herbal and natural medicine by top leaders within the fields of Pharmacy, Herbal Medicine and Natural Medicine.

Hopi Candles by Jili Hamilton

Hopi candles by Jili Hamilton From the back cover: The ear treatment candle (or cone) goes back thousands of years, evidence of its use having been found among Native Americans, Latin Americans and people from around the Mediterranean basin. Its main objective us to stimulate the body’s energy systems, working on the acupuncture points in the ear and the peripheral lymph system. It is also extremely effective in such conditions as sinusitis, glue ear, migraine, impacted wax etc. and for relaxation.  

Hormone Replacement: The Real Truth by Dr Sandra Cabot

Dr Cabot takes away the fear and confusion about hormone replacement that is gripping women all over the world. In Dr Sandra Cabot's Hormone Replacement, The Real Truth she provides you with the most recent information and gives you the life-saving answers that you need to reclaim your life. During the 1980's, menopause was "medicalised" by drug companies and women were made to feel that menopause was a disease requiring long term use of large doses of synthetic hormones. This paradigm has now been shown to be categorically wrong and menopause should no longer be treated as a disease. Many women now find themselves in the dilemma of "I don't feel safe with HRT, but I don't feel well without it". Women who have given up their HRT are now finding they have withdrawal symptoms and cannot find an effective solution to carry them through the turbulent years of menopause. This is a book for women of ALL AGES. You deserve to feel sensual, energetic, healthy and in control of your life! So, welcome to our world of true knowledge. Inside you will find safe and effective answers for:
  • Menopause
  • Balancing your hormones naturally
  • Osteoporosis
  • Weight excess
  • Heart disease
  • The tests that you must have to check your hormones
  • Menopausal women with breast cancer

Hormones: Don’t Let Them Ruin Your Life by Dr Sandra Cabot

Hormones are beyond a doubt the most powerful chemicals in your body. They have the possibility to be physically and emotionally shattering or they can make you feel wonderfully alive. Why are hormonal imbalances more common these day? The incidence of hormonal disorders in women has increased over the last 20 years mainly because of sociological, environmental and dietary factors. We are seeing a higher incidence of hormonal imbalances such as:
  • Precocious puberty
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Endometriosis
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Syndrome X - the chemical imbalance of insulin resistance which leads to excess weight gain.

How Cancer Saved Me by Wanda Hail

How Cancer Saved Me: A One Year Diary of a Cancer Overcomer is a detailed account of Melbourne music teacher Wanda Hail and her experiences with breast cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. Diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma in 2015, Wanda embarked on a journey of meticulous research into diet, health and the medical system. In her diary she shares a wide range of experiences, from the very 'normal' days with her family and friends, to detailed analyses of many different foods, therapies and medical techniques, plus summaries of seminars, books and video presentations. Woven through the entire diary is her unwavering faith, which ultimately brings her to the place where she can call herself a 'cancer overcomer'. Her courageous decision to eschew traditional treatment methods and embrace a healthy diet, lifestyle and spiritual outlook makes this diary inspirational literature for all ages. Also included are sections with recipes, music pieces and a useful index.

How Not To Kill Your Husband by Dr Sandra Cabot

Balancing your hormones can save your marriage, as well as your husband's life! These words offer a surprisingly easy solution to a big problem for so many women out there who feel overwhelmed by trying to be the perfect superwoman/mum/wife all at the same time. Dr Sandra Cabot has written this book because women's everyday lives are being turned upside down by their hormones. These women are not neurotic or inadequate - they are intelligent, articulate, strong and have very relatable personalities. They recognise that powerful hormonal forces are causing mental and/or physical changes that they need help to control so that their lives can be productive, fulfilled and stable. This is a 'save your life book' and gives women the tools to communicate effectively with their own doctor and to work with their doctor to gain control of their hormones. With the increased self-understanding acquired from this book, women will have the confidence to be assertive with their health care providers to demand the type and quality of care they need. Balancing our hormones naturally will free us to realise our full potential and enjoy good health. With the right information, you need not let your hormones ruin your life!

How To Increase Your Sex Drive Naturally by Dr Sandra Cabot

This is a book for all women who want to improve their sex life. No matter what age you are, it is possible to have a sex life and it can be a really wonderful one! You may think you are too old or that you have too many problems or even that it doesn't really matter because it is just too hard to talk about something so personal. If you do think like this, then you need this book. Dr Sandra Cabot sees thousands of women who ask for help with their sex life. They want to improve it for themselves and they want to improve their relationship with their lover. Not every woman likes to talk about it and often believes there is nothing she can do to get her mojo back; so she says and does nothing and time passes her by. A healthy sex life is good for your wellbeing and happiness and these things are important! This book enables you to gain intimate and practical information without being embarassed. With the help of modern day technology and things like bioidentical natural hormones and the love hormone oxytocin, you can not only restore your sex life but slow down the ageing process.

I Am Woman by Susan Gianevsky

A handbook guide to women's health and wellbeing. Incorporating inspirational thoughts, healthy eating tips and information about the benefits of Schuessler tissue salts. Susan holds qualifications in both education and homeopathy and is a passionate advocate of women’s health. She is a professional health educator who specialises in Mineral Therapy with over 20 years experience in the health industry. Susan has traveled internationally and nationally, speaking on the benefits of minerals for our health and has seen hundreds of clients whose health has been improved by using Schuessler Tissue Salts.

I Can’t Lose Weight & I Don’t Know Why by Dr Sandra Cabot

If you have tried all the fad diets, exercised your heart out and still wonder why you can't lose weight? This is the book for you. Award winning author Dr Sandra Cabot draws on her 40 years clinical experience to explain all the hidden causes of weight excess and what to do about it. Understanding how to be successful in controlling your weight is like working on a jigsaw puzzle. Each piece interacts with every other, and without an understanding of how they all fit together you cannot complete the big picture; so, you lose direction of your goal. One missing piece can be simply a deficiency of iodine or a complex hormonal imbalance. Other pieces of the puzzle such as thyroid resistance, food addiction, body inflammation and many other causes of weight gain, are included in this book. Learn what each piece of the puzzle is and what to do about it. Inside this book you will find:
  • An explanation of the common causes of weight gain that are often overlooked.
  • Informative case histories which many can relate to.
  • The 12 week metabolic weight loss plan.
  • Delicious low carb recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts and snacks.
This book is written with a never fail, never give up attitude. It provides ongoing help, guidance and resources.

Infertility: The Hidden Causes by Dr Sandra Cabot & Margaret Jasinska

In this well researched book, Dr Sandra Cabot and naturopath Margaret Jasinska explore the many hidden causes of infertility which are often easily overcome. A healthy body is a fertile body. Our bodies are cleverly designed to reproduce, and when that doesn't happen, there is always an explanation. No organ system in our body operates in isolation. The health of our reproductive system is enormously influenced by our immune system, digestive system, liver, thyroid gland and emotional state, just to name a few.