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Ainsworths Original Dr. Bach Method Flower Essence Mimulus 10ml

The Mimulus person experiences fears that they know and that exist in everyday life, such as illness, pain, accidents, heights, poverty, the dark, death etc. Their fearful nature extends to contact with people and they are usually shy, nervous or retiring. This remedy may assist in gaining the courage to confront their fears and, by so doing, diminish them.

Australian Bush Alpine Mint Bush 15ml

This flower grows in exposed rocky sites in the alpine and sub-alpine areas of south eastern Australia. This Essence works on the mental and emotional levels. It is for people who work in healing, health administration and caring situations where there is a great deal of responsibility for other people. They give much of themselves both physically and emotionally, often listening to people in pain and need. These care givers can be in danger of burning out or becoming disillusioned. They can reach a point of tiredness feeling their life has lost its joy. Alpine Mint Bush can revitalise and bring about in these people a renewed enthusiasm and joy in their life for what they do.

Australian Bush Angelsword 15ml

This amazing flower grows in the alpine region of Australia. Viewed from one angle, it has the appearance of a ‘fleur-de-lis’. The Essence is for reaching one’s own spiritual truth by cutting through any confusion or misinformation, ie. helping one discern the level of truth in ‘channelled messages’. When the flower is looked at the opposite way, it resembles a monk in purple robes accentuated by the yellow stamens at the third eye. Taking this Essence allows access and retrieval of previously developed gifts from past lives. Angelsword protects from outside influences and entities so one can receive clear information from one’s Higher Self without interference. Whilst Fringed Violet works to repair damage to the aura, Angelsword releases any energies that entered while the aura was open.

Australian Bush Autumn Leaves 15ml

Autumn Leaves allows one to hear, see and feel communication from the other side and be open to that guidance and communication. It also further emphasises the sense of letting go and moving on in a very profound way. The leaves themselves were collected from a sacred area, in autumn, at the exact moment of their release from the trees. The Essence was made only from these leaves. The work of Dr Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and other workers with the dying, all note how common and important it is for the one passing over to be aware that help and guidance are around, especially the presence of loved ones who have already died. This Essence will ease the transition of the passing over from the physical plane to the spiritual world. Autumn Leaves is included in the Transition Essence Combination.

Australian Bush Banksia Robur 15ml

Banksia Robur is commonly known as Swamp Banksia as it is usually found by creek banks. This Essence addresses temporary loss of drive and enthusiasm due to burn out, disappointment or frustration. It is different to Old Man Banksia as it is for people who are normally very dynamic. It will pick them up out of the 'bog' they are in and get them back on solid ground and going again. When bathing, add seven drops of this Essence to the bath which will enhance the effects of the remedy as it will assist in washing away negativity.

Australian Bush Bauhinia 15ml

Made up near Geikie Gorge in the Kimberleys, this Essence is for embracing new concepts and ideas. There may be some hesitation or reluctance, initially, in coming to terms with these. It can even help when there is a person who is annoying you or whom you dislike.

Australian Bush Billy Goat Plum 15ml

For feelings of shame, self disgust and self-loathing. For those people who feel revolted and dirty about sex and feel unclean afterwards. It can also be for feelings of revulsion about other physical aspects such as acne, eczema, a large nose, etc.

Australian Bush Black Eyed Susan 15ml

For people who are impatient or always 'on the go'. These people are continually rushing and their lives are always overflowing with commitments. This Essence enables these people to slow down, to reach that still centre within and find calmness and inner guidance.

Australian Bush Blank Labels 25 Pack

For practitioners wishing to make dose essences requiring a professional label.

Australian Bush Bluebell 15ml

Made in the Olgas, one of the main spiritual centres in Australia, this Essence helps to open the heart. It is for those who feel cut off from their feelings. The emotion is there, but is held within. They are subconsciously afraid to express it for they fear their feelings of love, joy, etc. are finite or not renewable. They operate from a subconscious fear that there is just not enough and that if they let go of what they have, they will not survive. This fear can often be marked by a controlling, rigid and forthright manner.

Australian Bush Boab 15ml

The Boab Tree is found in the Kimberley region of northwest Australia. This is one of the most powerful of all the Bush Essences and has brought about profound change. Boab clears negative emotional and mental family patterns that are passed on from generation to generation. Boab can access and clear those core patterns and all the related ensuing beliefs. This Essence is very beneficial in helping those who have had experiences of abuse or prejudice from others. Boab will also help clear the negative lines of karma between people. When used in a spray it can be very effective in clearing negative energies, especially when combined with Fringed Violet, Angelsword and Lichen. Boab can help break the chains that have been around human consciousness for thousands of years.

Australian Bush Boronia 15ml

This is the Essence for resolving obsessions - thoughts, events, things or ideas which are stuck. It leads to clarity and focus. It combines wonderfully with Bottlebrush for breaking habits and addictions and for dealing with an ended relationship when there is pining for the other person. It also enhances focus for creative visualisation.