Australian Bush Bottlebrush 15ml
This Essence helps people move through major life changes and the overwhelm that often goes with those changes, especially retirement, menopause, adolescence or death, etc. It 'brushes' out the past and allows the person to move on. An excellent remedy for pregnant women and new mothers who feel inadequate. It will help throughout pregnancy until after the birth and will assist with bonding between the mother and child. It is excellent for healing unresolved mother issues.
Australian Bush Bush Essence Sydney Region DVD by I. White
On this DVD, Ian White shows you the beauty, Doctrine of Signatures and healing qualities of the Bush Essences from the Sydney region.
By watching this DVD* you will:
- Accompany Ian White, Founder of the Australian Bush Flower Essences and a fifth generation Australian herbalist on a journey through Sydney's bushland amidst the flowers from which he makes the Essences
- Hear the history and philosophy of Flower Essences
- Appreciate and understand the Doctrine of Signatures and the full healing qualities of the Bush Essences from the Sydney region
- Discover the alchemic magic of making a Flower Essence
- Understand the powerful healing qualities of the Proteacea plant family
- See practical demonstrations using Kinesiology which show the healing potential and potency of the Australian Bush Flower Essences
- Gain the ability to be competent and confident in using the Australian Bush Flower Essences to bring about harmony, emotional health and wellbeing for yourself and others.
Australian Bush Bush Fuchsia 15ml
This Essence assists with problem solving and improves one's access to intuition - it helps a person to trust their own 'gut' feelings. It allows for balance between the logical/rational and the intuitive/creative, i.e. the integration between the male and female aspects. It will give people courage and clarity in public speaking as well as the ability to speak out about their own convictions.
Australian Bush Bush Gardenia 15ml
For renewing passion and interest in relationships. It helps draw together those who are moving away from one another, busy in their own world (career, life, etc.). It is as if this Essence helps to turn the individual's head to reconnect to see what their partner is doing and feeling and to discover what is needed to bring them back together.
It is not only for male/female relationships but also for family relationships. This flower has similar flowers and scent to that of the suburban garden shrub but is a 40 ft. tree, growing in the tropical north, similar in shape to a Eucalypt.
Australian Bush Bush Iris 15ml
This was one of the first Essences to be prepared. It is an Essence to open people up to their spirituality and to access the doorway to their higher perceptions. It allows the trinity to flow into a person and is an excellent remedy to give someone who has just started meditation or 'conscious' spiritual growth. In the negative mode there will be materialism and/or atheism. There may also be a deep seated fear of death.
Australian Bush Christmas Bell 15ml
Christmas Bell is an erect perennial herb which is frequently found in the Hawkesbury Sandstone country of NSW in the low open heaths or swamps.
It grows up to 60cm high with a crowd of yellow tipped, red fused, tubed flowers at the top. Christmas Bell’s flowering time is from late December — hence its name — up until February. Christmas is the time of year associated with the joy of giving and receiving, not only of love, but also from the realm of the material too. This remedy assists one with mastery of the physical plane and with stewardship of one’s possessions. It also helps one to manifest their desired outcomes and is extremely beneficial for anyone experiencing a sense of lack.
Christmas Bell, operating at a deep spiritual level, helps one to also realise that the most important things in life are not of the physical and not to be distracted by having their time and energy consumed in the pursuit of these worldly things. We are spiritual beings and by mastering the physical we can more readily focus on and achieve our life purpose and create loving relationships.
Australian Bush Combination Emergency Essence Stock 15ml
Excellent for any emotional upset. It has a calming effect during a crisis. If a person needs specialised medical help, this Essence will provide comfort until treatment is available.
Contains Angelsword, Crowea, Dog Rose of the Wild Forces, Fringed Violet, Grey Spider Flower, Sundew and Waratah.
Australian Bush Crowea 15ml
Crowea is for people who are feeling 'not quite right' with themselves and are just a little out of balance. It is an excellent Essence for people not sure of what it is they are feeling, and is great for worry. It is for those who always have something to worry about, without having specific fears. This purple flower has five petals with a prominent raised centre. Five in numerology relates to the emotional centre and the integration of emotions.
Australian Bush Dagger Hakea 15ml
For people who feel resentment and bitterness and hold grudges against those with whom they have been very close e.g. family members and old lovers. This resentment is often not openly displayed. The plant gets its name from the needle-like barb that grows on its leaves.
Australian Bush Dog Rose 15ml
The striking feature of Dog Rose is that the flowers hang down and appear to have dropped and rounded shoulders, like a defeated person. Dog Rose is the Essence for treating fears, niggling little fears, not terror. Overcoming fear allows an increase in the flow of the vital force, quality of life, courage and self esteem. It is also for shy, insecure, timid, nervous people.
Australian Bush Dog Rose of Wild Forces 15ml
Found only in Victoria, this Essence was made up from a plant quivering and leaning over the surging white water just below Mackenzie Falls, in Gariwerd, (previously known as The Grampians). This plant is commonly found growing close to the water and, like Dog Rose, it deals with fear. It is taken when a person has a fear of losing control, when the emotions they are feeling within themselves or immediately around them are just so intense there is a sense of losing total control. On a higher level it helps to teach the necessity of gaining control over the emotions so that emotional intensity will not distort one's natural energies.
Australian Bush Dreamlines CD by K. Williams J. Rosenson
Dreamlines is the second CD by Jane Rosenson (the principal harpist with the Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra) and violinist Kirsty Williams (who is the concertmaster of the Sydney Symphony), after the release of their first CD together, The White Light CD in 2002.
Dreamlines contains exceptionally exquisite music and can help take you very quickly to that peaceful, tranquil place within. It contains 16 tracks of beautiful, elegant, healing, meditative violin and harp compositions, many of which are well known classical favourites, such as Meditation from Thais, To A Wild Rose and Bizet’s Entr’acte from Carmen. There are also two pieces they especially recorded for me, Eric Satie’s Gymnopedie No 1 and No 3, which are simply wonderful.