Australian Bush Five Corners 15ml
Five Corners Essence resolves low self-esteem, lack of confidence and diminished self-love. This tall, proud shrub gets its name from its fruit which has five corners – and this corresponds with the anatomical position of a body with arms and legs spread, and the fifth point being the head. This Essence allows the life force to flow through to these five centres. When this happens a person feels good and strong in themselves, and they feel their own love and beauty. In the negative mode, the person will appear crushed and 'held in'.
Australian Bush Flannel Flower 15ml
Flannel Flower almost begs to be touched and felt, since the petals of this flower resemble the sensuous texture of flannel. This Essence is for people who are uncomfortable with emotional intimacy as well as physical contact and touching.
They often have difficulty in maintaining their personal boundaries. It helps one to totally trust and express verbally their innermost feelings. It brings to both males and females a desire to and enjoyment in, expressing themselves physically. It is excellent for males allowing for a gentleness, softness and sensitivity in touching.
Australian Bush Freshwater Mangrove 15ml
This flowering tree grows beside fresh water creeks, billabongs and swamps in the Northern Territory. The healing quality of the Essence is to release and heal mental prejudice, allowing the heart to open without prejudgement. The prejudice of Slender Rice Flower stems from direct personal experience whereas Freshwater Mangrove is for those who mentally reject or have already made up their mind about something without it ever being experienced.
Often the seeds of this prejudice have been sown for a long time. In many cases it is generational, as in the case of countries where religious prejudice is passed on and accepted by the young without question. Many prejudices are built because of cultural or societal belief that something cannot be done. This Essence has the potential to allow us to fully experience and be open on both a mental and heart level to new perceptual shifts and all the changes occurring at this time.
Australian Bush Fringed Violet 15ml
Fringed Violet is for treating damage to the aura where there has been shock, grief or distress e.g. from abuse or assault. This remedy maintains psychic protection and is excellent for people who are drained by others or those who unconsciously absorb the physical and emotional imbalances of others. It releases shock from the body. When used in combination with Flannel Flower or Wisteria it is beneficial for those who have suffered abuse.
Australian Bush Green Essence 15ml
The Green Essence is made, not from the flowers, but rather the stems and leaves of traditional, fresh, green herbs, using the same method we use to make our Flower Essences. It is used to harmonise any internal yeast, mould and parasites to the same vibration as one’s body.
Australian Bush Green Spider Orchid 15ml
This remedy was made up in Gariwerd (The Grampians) Victoria and is very much aligned with higher learnings, philosophies and deeper insight. This Essence can assist in working with telepathy, to attune a person to be more receptive to not only other people but also other species and kingdoms. It is for people who are teaching spiritual matters and understandings, helping them to impart that knowledge.
It helps us to know when to share about our spiritual experiences, ideas before they are manifested and incomplete projects and when to remain silent to let the energy build. Green Spider Orchid can release nightmares, terror and phobias stemming from past lives.
Australian Bush Grey Spider Flower 15ml
This is an Essence to deal with extreme terror, especially terror experienced in life-threatening situations or psychic attack. It deals with panic and nightmares. The Essence will restore faith and trust. There is a theory that spiders are an archetypal image for primordial fear.
Australian Bush Gymea Lily 15ml
Also known as the Giant Lily, this extraordinary plant bears large red flowers on a huge terminal head atop a stem of up to four metres high. Being so high, the flowers are not seen clearly from the ground. This remedy is for excessive pride and arrogance and helps bring about humility. The Essence is for reaching up to the energy of arrogance and transforming it to achieve great heights. It gives strength to those who are ahead of their peers and helps them to stay at the top.
Gymea Lily is also very beneficial for people whose personalities are very intense or extrovert, or those who are dominating, demanding and very charismatic who usually get their way. It is also for people who like to be seen and noticed and who seek glamour and status.
Australian Bush Hibbertia 15ml
For people who are strict and regimented or even fanatical with themselves or for whose who use their knowledge to gain an upper hand. They constantly devour information and philosophies purely to make themselves better people but often without truly integrating it. In the positive mode these people will be accepting of themselves and their own innate knowledge and experiences, without wanting to be superior to others.
Australian Bush Illawarra Flame Tree 15ml
An Essence for those who suffer from a great sense of rejection, or who feel 'left out'. This rejection is deeply felt and is very agonising for the person. The Essence is also for self rejection, or for a person feeling apprehensive about a new experience, e.g. parenthood, or where there is a fear of responsibility. This Essence will help a person take that first step. It is also beneficial for those whose numbers in numerology are 11, 22 or 33 - people who have usually chosen to do very important work this life.
Australian Bush Insight Cards x 69 Pack
The Flower Insight Cards were first developed in 1997 after numerous requests from both practitioners and patients to see the flowers in all their glory! Beautifully photographed and in full colour, each of the 69 cards reflects the vibrancy and potency of each Essence, whilst also opening up many new ways of healing with the Australian Bush Flower Essences.
These cards will also help you to deeply understand the clues nature has given to the healing qualities of each flower by its shape and colour - what ancient healers termed the Doctrine of Signatures.
Alternatively you can use the cards for divination, tarot reading or contact healing.
The Insight Cards are especially useful for people to help decide on which Essences to choose - simply shuffle the cards and whilst thinking of the issue or situation you are wanting to resolve, pick one or several intuitively. Alternatively slowly and deliberately look through the cards and select the 3 photos that you are most attracted to. Invariably you will choose flowers whose healing qualities are extremely pertinent to the major issues that you are going through at that time. Also if there is a card that you have a strong aversion to, pull this out as well. This card will usually be relating to something important in your life that perhaps you are unaware of or resisting.
They can be incorporated into any traditional Tarot reading or even used with Feng Shui to enhance a quality of a specific area in a building by placing the relevant card or cards there. The Insight Cards can also be used in conjunction with healing by placing a specific card on a relevant part of the patient’s body.
Australian Bush Isopogon 15ml
Isopogon is for people who live very much in their heads. They are dominated by their intellect and there is often a separation between their heart and head. This Essence, like Tall Yellow Top, connects one’s emotions (heart) with their thoughts (head). It especially benefits those people who control through stubbornness. It also enables the retrieval of long-forgotten skills and information.
The small spiral arrangement of this plant's yellow flowers fade and leave a small, grey, round nut which will stay on the plant for many years. In spiritual symbolism the colour yellow represents wisdom and knowledge.