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Australian Bush Jacaranda 15ml

Jacaranda Essence is for people who dither, never completing things because they are constantly changing what they are doing. There is a fine distinction between Sundew and Jacaranda: Sundew deals with dreamers (the 'space cadet'), whilst Jacaranda is for those who dither, are 'all over the place' and are always changing their mind.

Australian Bush Kangaroo Paw 15ml

This Essence is for people who are 'green' and socially inept. They do not know how to properly interact with other people. They can be very insensitive because they are so focused on themselves that they miss the cues and needs of other people around them. They can be very self centred.

Australian Bush Kapok Bush 15ml

This Essence was made at Mount Barnett, an Aboriginal Cattle Station on the rugged Gibb River Road in the Kimberleys. It is for people who have a tendency to give up very easily, who are easily discouraged. It can also give people an overview of a plan or situation and then allow them to work it through sequentially and be able to bring it to fruition. It could even be for someone with a piece of technology or machinery, to assist them to understand how it works.

Australian Bush Lichen 15ml

Lichen helps an individual to be aware of, look for and go to the Light at the moment of physical death. The alternative to the soul going through to the Light is to stay earth bound in the astral plane — what we commonly refer to as 'a ghost'. There is a great deal of darkness operating on the astral plane and it is certainly a level that the soul would be well advised to move through quickly. A violent or sudden death can also result in the increased likelihood of the Spirit staying earthbound and the spraying of Lichen from an atomiser bottle would be of great benefit for those souls, helping them to see and go to the Light.

Australian Bush Light Frequency Amazon Essence 10ml

One of the main aspects of the Amazon Essence is its ability to help you to be aware of, tune into and prepare for the immensity and the totality of the massive changes that are happening in nature. The Amazon Essence is helping to activate our brain to function in new ways and for our senses to perceive afresh, enabling us to comprehend and interpret all the old, primordial energies being unleashed and coming up from the rocks, the water, the trees and from deep within the Earth. This remedy enables us to re-align to these very strong energies which are very different to what we are used to as they are a link back to the time before humans, before life. Now is also the time for sacred sites and portals on the Earth, which have been closed down for a long time, to open and be released, along with a releasing of the very ancient beings' memories that have been held in nature. This is liberating a great deal of stored knowledge, energy and information as Gaia is releasing the next level of wisdom. This is what the new children are tapping into and will bring through as well. The Amazon Essence assists us to read and speak this new language of nature.

Australian Bush Light Frequency Antarctic Essence 10ml

The Antarctic Essence allows you to be aware of what is really necessary in your life and in the situations that you are encountering. It enables you to feel tremendous calm, peace and stillness within yourself. This Essence releases those things that are not essential to you and that take you away from your inner peace and being at one with nature. The purity of Antarctica and the Antarctic Essence assists you to find your own pure essence – the very core of yourself – and to let go of whatever takes you from this timeless, clear-centred part of yourself. It allows you to go deeply into things and not get distracted; to see the core of things and what’s important. If you are too distracted it will help to pull you back into harmony. Another key aspect of the Antarctic Essence is that it will reveal to you aspects of yourself that are very deep and hidden – what are referred to sometimes as ‘old dark crystals’. This Essence will bring the light to them and dissolve these old patterns and beliefs (which may have been formed in ancient times or may be early beliefs developed this lifetime). Their dissolution will support you to trust Spirit, to trust your path and to show you the necessary new steps.

Australian Bush Light Frequency Arctic Essence 10ml

The Arctic Essence primarily frees the pure undiluted light potential of the individual. It both brings in and releases pure light energy within the individual, energy which has been held in suspension, waiting to be activated. The Antarctic Essence is for letting go of things that stop you finding and following your path. It allows you to discover what is essential and necessary in your life. In other words, letting go of what doesn’t matter – suspension in matter.

Australian Bush Light Frequency China Essence 10ml

This Essence is a heart-opening remedy that can heal, on a deep soul level, your own grief arising from a loss of connection that is held in the collective consciousness. China traditionally is a country of great peace and it best represents the divine feminine energy which has a profound stillness to it that is literally beyond matter, but it has been overlaid with layers of conquest, of endurance, and now the current layer of materialism and busy-ness. This Essence helps you to attain peace and calm, aligns you back to the feminine spirituality of the Earth and strengthens your connection to Spirit.

Australian Bush Light Frequency Lake Baikal Essence 10ml

When Lemurian civilization chose to abandon spirituality for sensuality and pleasure, the energy on the planet dropped and became denser. Lake Baikal holds that original energy prior to the density developing when the Earth and humanity flowed fully and clearly from the stillness of their hearts that was at one with the Divine. The Lake Baikal Essence allows you to access this pure uncorrupted peacefulness and pure 'at onement'. The remedy, by capturing the pristine, energetic essence of Baikal engenders faith and trust in life and a calmness and acceptance of unfolding change. This Essence is timely as it can accelerate understanding and opening to the new energies of unity, global oneness, balance and harmony – all of which will greatly help us with the changes that are starting to happen around us on all levels. It is very important if you want to move smoothly through any upcoming changes that you start to really spiritually nurture yourself and open to a deeper level particularly within your heart center, which this Essence will assist in. The Lake Baikal Essence helps one to find and balance the Divine masculine and feminine within themselves. The male emotional body has, over time, become compressed and non-elastic. Basically the mental body took over in order for men to feel 'in control'. With this emotional suppression has come violence, sexual perversion and heart dis-ease.

Australian Bush Light Frequency Madagascar Essence 10ml

The most important healing quality of the Madagascar Essence is its potential for the eradication of disease and the removal of limiting beliefs around our health and wellbeing that we absorb from mass consciousness. Examples of this is the conditioning and belief that as we get older our minds and bodies will deteriorate and that we only have 70 years of life. These have become concrete limitations firmly embedded in mass consciousness. Humanity has forgotten, and needs to be reminded, that living 70 years is only half of man’s natural life cycle. Humanity veered away from the original blueprint of being in balance and harmony with nature, animals and other people, and instead created disease, alienation, mass consciousness and being out-of-balance.

Australian Bush Light Frequency Mt Pinatubo Essence 10ml

Mt. Pinatubo Essence gives you the confidence to take away the masks of fear and conformity and to stand and shine totally in who you truly are and be willing to fully share your uniqueness with everyone and contribute. It allows you to reveal your true “I Am", state which is at the heart of everything. If you know who you are, you know where you are going and how you are going to get there. Mt. Pinatubo Essence is about creation and co-creation and it completes the Individualised Flame’s or Divine Essence’s journey from innocence to wisdom that takes you to the highest frequency of who you truly are.

Australian Bush Light Frequency Pyramid Pack

The Light Frequency Pyramid Pack has been carefully developed to embrace and protect the beauty and potency of these wonderful essences. It contains all 7 Light Frequency Essences:
  • Antarctic Essence
  • Arctic Essence
  • Amazon Essence
  • China Essence
  • Lake Baikal Essence
  • Madagascar Essence
  • Mt. Pinatubo Essence