Australian Bush Little Flannel Flower 15ml
This Essence deals with the child aspect in us all. It addresses the expression of playfulness, being carefree and spontaneous joy. It is for people who regard life as a very sombre and serious experience. It is also for children who tend to grow up much too quickly, who take on the troubles of the world and get old before their time. It helps children get in contact with their spirit guides. Its delicate, tiny, white flowers cover the bush with a blanket of colour and white light, yet it is easily overlooked due to its size.
Australian Bush Macrocarpa 15ml
Macrocarpa is a Eucalypt that grows in the wheat belt area of South West Western Australia, the stands of which are becoming increasingly rare and very few survive today. This tree has the largest flower of any Eucalypt. Both the tree and the flower have a tremendous power about them and this comes out in its properties. This Essence brings about renewed enthusiasm, endurance and inner strength.
Australian Bush Mint Bush 15ml
This Essence like many others, was made in the Valley of the Winds in the Olgas (or Katajuta) in central Australia. Mint Bush helps one to cope with the dross being burnt off before emerging at a new spiritual level. Just prior to any such initiation there are usually spiritual trials and tribulations that one goes through when one feels they are being tested, often to their limit. At this time there is usually a great deal of confusion and one can have a sense that everything is too difficult and too much to deal with and resolve. These feelings can also arise during intense changes in your life - divorce, bankruptcy, severe illness or accidents, changing religious beliefs or affiliations.
Australian Bush Monga Waratah 15ml
The Monga Waratah has the appearance of an open hand reaching out, as if wanting or needing more of something. This is a key note in its Doctrine of Signatures. Like its close relative Waratah and other Essences in the proteaceae family, Monga Waratah has a very powerful energy. This Essence can help a person find their inner strength which enables them to reach out.
It addresses the negative conditions of disempowerment; of being overly needy; of feeling not strong enough; of feeling unable to do things alone; of always needing the strength and support of others; feeling choked or stifled in situations or relationships and feeling not able or strong enough to leave. This Essence is very much addressing co-dependency as well as strengthening one’s will. Consequently, it can be thought of when working with addictions. Monga Waratah gives you the belief and sense that you can break any dependency upon a behaviour, substance or person. This remedy helps one to reclaim their spirit.
Australian Bush Mountain Devil 15ml
This Essence helps one deal with feelings of hatred, anger, jealousy and the major blocks to expressing love. It is for people who tend to be suspicious of others. Mountain Devil helps to develop unconditional love and acceptance. It helps one express anger in a healthy way and so develop sound boundaries. This may open the way to forgiveness.
Australian Bush Mulla Mulla 15ml
Mulla Mulla is for the personal recovery from the shattering experience of burns from heat or fire. This Essence reduces the negative effects of fire and the sun's rays. It is for those with a fear of fire or flames (often from a past life). If this fear is unconscious it will often manifest in a lack of vitality, as if they wish to fade away. If a person presents with this picture they can, with appropriate counselling, reveal this fear of fire or hot objects. This Essence was made up in Palm Valley, one of the hottest parts of the country and where some of the oldest plants in Australia are found.
Australian Bush Old Man Banksia 15ml
For people who are weary, frustrated and disheartened by setbacks. This Essence helps to bring a spark into those people's lives who are heavy and slow moving. They tend to be reliable, dependable people who steadily plod on, often hiding their weariness while battling on with unceasing effort. The Old Man Banksia is a gnarled and twisted tree and it seems to be a storehouse of old wisdom. It is one of the first plants discovered by Joseph Banks.
Australian Bush Paw Paw 15ml
For the assimilation and integration of new ideas and information, especially where there is a tendency to feel overwhelmed by the quality and quantity of that information. This Essence should be used when one is unable to solve a problem. It will activate the Higher Self, where we have the answer to all our problems. It will ease the burden of problems as it activates the intuitive processes to provide solutions.
Australian Bush Peach Flowered Tea Tree 15ml
Peach-flowered Tea-tree is an Essence for people with extreme mood swings, hypochondriacal people and those who have a fear of getting old. It can also be used for people who get enthusiastic and then, for no apparent reason, lose that enthusiasm. It is for those who do not 'follow through' on their goals and convictions. Once the challenge goes, they become bored and lose interest. It will help develop stability, consistency, drive and commitment.
Australian Bush Philotheca 15ml
This Essence allows people to accept acknowledgment for their achievements and to 'let in' love. They are often good listeners and generous, giving people. It allows shy people to speak of their plans and success. In its natural environment, the flower is easily overlooked and often mistaken for other species.
Australian Bush Pink Flannel Flower 15ml
This flower is all about heart energy, which is not surprising when you observe the intensity of its pink centre. It allows one to be in a state of gratitude for all aspects of their life and for what they are experiencing around them. Pink Flannel Flower brings about an appreciation of, and helps one take delight and pleasure in, the details and little things in life; to see and be aware of the blessings in every moment. Otherwise life can easily become dull, flat and one’s “joie de vivre” will be missing.
This Essence has great affinity for young babies whilst both in the womb and in those early years of life. Pink Flannel Flower will help keep their heart and heart chakra open with the high, love vibration that they came in with, as they adjust to the density of our third dimensional earthly reality.
Australian Bush Pink Mulla Mulla 15ml
This annual is found in the stony country of the outback and has a striking, pinky-purple conical flower head. The Pink Mulla Mulla is for those who have suffered a deep spiritual wound long ago, often in their first incarnation, where they felt abandoned by Spirit which has led to a deep scar on the soul and psyche. It works on the outer causal bodies clearing sabotage (and fear of spiritual abandonment once more) that is stopping their spiritual growth. On an emotional level, Pink Mulla Mulla is for those who put out prickles to keep people away. They tend to be quite isolated and unable to resolve a hurt, wrong or injustice which can be felt very deeply. This impinges on their attitude to those around them and can make them suspicious of people's motives, allowing them no rest. They are often on guard against people hurting them again, they may protect themselves by saying hurtful things to others. What they say to those around them does not always reflect how they really feel. It is merely a way of keeping people at a safe distance.