Australian Bush Sturt Desert Pea 15ml
Sturt Desert Pea is the floral emblem of South Australia. It is for deep hurts and sorrows. This is one of the most powerful of all the Essences and, like so many of the Bush Essences, it can help the person bring about amazing changes in their life.
Australian Bush Sturt Desert Rose 15ml
This Essence is for guilt, including sexual guilt, which can be an emotional trigger for many sexual problems. It is also for following your own inner convictions and morality, helping you to follow through with what you know you have to do. If one is not true to themselves then there can often arise, as a consequence, feelings of regret or remorse. It can restore self esteem that has been damaged by past actions you may have felt guilty about.
Australian Bush Sundew 15ml
This Essence is for people who are vague and indecisive and do not pay attention to detail. For those who tend to 'split off' easily, especially when there is work to be done. This Essence will keep them focused in the present and reduces procrastination. It is for those who tend to be vague, dreamy or drawn to drugs. This carnivorous plant is found in damp, boggy areas and has a crimson, 'earth-hugging' base. It sends up a tall stem to which delicate little flowers are attached.
Australian Bush Sunshine Wattle 15ml
For people who have had a difficult time in the past and who are stuck there. They bring their negative experiences of the past into the present. Life is seen as being grim and full of struggle. When they look at life they only see bleakness, hard times and disappointment continuing into the future. In the positive mode, these people will see the beauty, joy and excitement in the present and optimistically anticipate the future.
Australian Bush Sydney Rose 15ml
The first aspect of the rare Sydney Rose to strike you is its intense, beautiful pink fragrant flower (about 2cms across) which does not fully open. Pink is symbolic of the love vibration and the healing quality of this remarkable Essence is to realise and know — on a deep heart level not merely an intellectual level — that there is no separation between us, that we are all one. The healing quality that Sydney Rose offers us, is the key to this new phase of unfolding growth and consciousness.
If human consciousness is going to evolve then this will need to be the one fundamental premise to be embraced and to operate from, for in so doing it will create compassion, tolerance and love for others and the willingness to help and support others.
Australian Bush Tall Mulla Mulla 15ml
This Essence is for people who are not at ease being with others. They prefer their own company and enjoy being alone but miss out on the emotional growth that interaction with others can bring. On an emotional level, there is not much 'circulating with people', as it feels too troublesome and uncomfortable. They do not easily mix with others. They prefer to be alone where they know their own environment and can avoid confrontation with others. They will often go to any length to keep the peace even if it means agreeing to or saying things they don't believe. They do not breathe in life deeply for they prefer holding on to the familiar rather than being open to the new.
Australian Bush Tall Yellow Top 15ml
This Essence is for alienation. There is no feeling of connection or sense of belonging to family, workplace, country, self, etc. Often as a consequence of this alienation the head, or intellect, takes over from the heart. As many people have been in this state for a long time, Tall Yellow Top will often need to be used for longer periods, sometimes for up to 6-8 weeks without a break. It is important when in this state to reach out to others for support. Be patient with the results from this Essence if it appears to be a little slow in acting. The results are well worth waiting for.
Australian Bush Turkey Bush 15ml
This Essence was made in Katherine Gorge, at the top end of Australia. This region contains the world's oldest known continuous artwork in the form of Aboriginal rock paintings. It is appropriate that the Essence was made here as it is for creativity. It is for both the beginner and the artist. Turkey Bush allows them to tune into their Higher Self and helps them to move through creative blocks and discouragements. This Essence brings about a desire to express and allows creativity to flow.
Australian Bush Waratah 15ml
Waratah is for the person who is going through the 'black night of the soul' and is in utter despair. It gives them the strength and courage to cope with their crisis and will bring their survival skills to the fore.
This remedy will also enhance and amplify those skills. It is for emergencies and great challenges. This powerful remedy often only needs to be used for four or five days.
Australian Bush Wedding Bush 15ml
This Essence is excellent for commitment, whether in relationships, employment, the family or personal goals. It can be of great benefit for a relationship when one or both individuals are uncertain if they wish to work through the issues their partner is bringing up in them. Wedding Bush can also be used for people who flit from one relationship to another or for when the initial attraction in the relationship diminishes.
Australian Bush White Light Air Essence 10ml
This Essence was made on top of Schafberg Mountain, St Wolfgang, Austria. The Air Essence allows a person to journey out to much further realms and levels on the spiritual plane. The Air Essence has the potential to bring out a person’s spirituality to the highest degree with integrity and passion.
This Essence can invoke peace and harmony and let it reign within your heart and mind. It helps you to see life as being simple and to keep it simple, surrendering to God any problem. The Essence itself produces a sensation of feeling light, easy and carefree. It is an excellent remedy for people going through emotional stress and trauma, helping one to see the overview of any problem whilst enhancing one’s guidance and inner knowing in order to deal with the situation more effectively and not get caught up in the detail or the drama. It promotes the realization that life will go on and to simply feel the love and peace around you. Consequently, it greatly helps anyone going through a “black night of the soul” experience by making them aware of the divine guidance and protection that always accompanies one at these times.
The Air Essence allows one’s thought processes to become more flowing and gentle. When making a choice this Essence helps one to maintain a balance between an intellectual and an emotional approach, whilst also aiding discrimination and discernment.
Australian Bush White Light Angelic Essence 10ml
This Essence was made in Peru on the top of the sacred mountain, Putucusi, directly across from Machu Picchu. Right up until the moment of our death, the Angels are always attempting to inspire and raise our awareness to the spiritual — so that we will look up and embrace the Light.
The Angelic Essence allows one to have closer contact with the Angelic realm. This Essence helps us to be more open to receiving from on high, the Angelic tones of inspiration, love, awareness, communication, guidance and instruction which can lead us to an infinite range of potential possibilities in our mortal lives.
The Angelic Essence brings the energy from heaven directly down to earth, uniting the two. This Essence enables one to aspire beyond the physical while keeping us connected to the mundane. It helps us realise that the spiritual exists in everything and to transcend the deceptive illusion of the physical. One can also invoke protection of an Angelic kind and of any specific Angel by taking this Essence.