Essential Therapeutics Essential Oil Premium Tea Tree 10ml
This is a premium plantation grown oil, rich in terpinen-4-ol and low in cineole.
- Tea Tree may be beneficial used on minor wounds & burns, as well as many respiratory complaints.
- May benefit peripheral circulation, as in serving minor varicose veins & haemorrhoids.
- Overall, it may provide warming & stimulating benefits for the nervous system and boosts our Defensive Qi.
Essential Therapeutics Essential Oil Premium Tea Tree 50ml
This is a premium plantation grown oil, rich in terpinen-4-ol and low in cineole.
- Tea Tree may be beneficial used on minor wounds & burns, as well as many respiratory complaints.
- May benefit peripheral circulation, as in serving minor varicose veins & haemorrhoids.
- Overall, it may provide warming & stimulating benefits for the nervous system and boosts our Defensive Qi.
Essential Therapeutics Essential Oil Ravensare 10ml
This is the true Ravensara aromatica oil, not from Cinnamomum camphora as has been confusingly named ‘Ravensara’ or Ravintsara’ oil.
- French practitioners often employ this oil for viral infections.
- May be useful for respiratory complaints and for muscular & joint pain.
Essential Therapeutics Essential Oil Red Myrtle 10ml
From the prolific Myrtaceae family, as are Eucalyptus species.
- Myrtle oil may benefit respiratory complaints, especially in inhalations.
- May be beneficial for peripheral circulation, to ease discomfort of haemorrhoids and minor varicose veins.
Essential Therapeutics Essential Oil Red Thyme 10ml
This is the potent thymol chemotype of Thyme.
- In French practice, Red Thyme is in the top class of ‘major anti-infectious oils’ and is routinely used as such with many infectious illnesses.
- Specific for respiratory complaints.
- Properly diluted, it may benefit muscular pain, rheumatism, headaches and the like.
- Like Wild Thyme, it is a potent restorative “Yang” oil.
Essential Therapeutics Essential Oil Rose Absolute 2ml
From highly purified hexane extraction (with a higher oil yield), pure Rose absolute is less expensive than the distilled oil and has similar uses.
- Rose oil is seen to be a ‘feminine’ essence for its sensual, even aphrodisiac nature and was long suggested for menstrual complaints. Certainly, useful for both men & women.
Essential Therapeutics Essential Oil Rose Absolute 5ml
From highly purified hexane extraction (with a higher oil yield), pure Rose absolute is less expensive than the distilled oil and has similar uses.
- Rose oil is seen to be a ‘feminine’ essence for its sensual, even aphrodisiac nature and was long suggested for menstrual complaints. Certainly, useful for both men & women.
Essential Therapeutics Essential Oil Rosemary CT1 10ml
This chemotype of Rosemary is the most commonly used in Aromatherapy.
- Rosemary CT 1 may assist neuromuscular problems, such as muscular aches, cramps and spasm; menstrual and rheumatic pains.
- A general “tonic”, warming and energising that may be useful for memory and concentration problems & fatigue states.
- Rosemary CT 1 is also seen as a digestive stimulant and may be useful for the liver and gall bladder, mucolytic and decongestant for respiratory conditions and may be useful for skin and scalp conditions such as acne, mature & oily skin and dandruff.
Essential Therapeutics Essential Oil Rosemary CT1 50ml
This chemotype of Rosemary is the most commonly used in Aromatherapy.
- Rosemary CT 1 may assist neuromuscular problems, such as muscular aches, cramps and spasm; menstrual and rheumatic pains.
- A general “tonic”, warming and energising that may be useful for memory and concentration problems & fatigue states.
- Rosemary CT 1 is also seen as a digestive stimulant and may be useful for the liver and gall bladder, mucolytic and decongestant for respiratory conditions and may be useful for skin and scalp conditions such as acne, mature & oily skin and dandruff.
Essential Therapeutics Essential Oil Rosemary CT2 Organic 10ml
- This chemotype is reported to be the most specific for respiratory and ENT (ear, nose and throat) complaints, such as colds, ‘flu, bronchitis, ear infections and the like, with its expectorant and mucolytic properties.
- Rosemary CT2 may be a useful analgesic oil, for conditions such as headaches and the pain of rheumatoid arthritis & gout; a circulatory tonic for peripheral venous circulation.
Essential Therapeutics Essential Oil Rosewood 10ml
True Rosewood oil, sustainably harvested, with three new trees planted for each tree taken.
- A gentle oil, rich in natural linalool, Rosewood contains anti-infectious properties, yet is so mild it can be used on babies skin.
- Excellent in skin care for dry & sensitive skin & for minor skin infections, as with acne.
Essential Therapeutics Essential Oil Sandalwood 5ml
REAL Indian Sandalwood. Far too often adulterated, as demand exceeds supply.
- Regarded in Ayurvedic medicine as a definitive anti-pitta essence – very cooling to fiery, over-heated conditions. May be useful for fiery conditions of the skin (dry, irritated, chapped, acne).
- May be a useful tonic for the lymphatic & circulatory systems.
- May be beneficial in respiratory complaints, as with coughs & laryngitis.
- Overall, a cooling & grounding essence, long used in spiritual practice.