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FES Quintessentials Poison Oak 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Positive vulnerability, ability to make contact with others through touch Patterns of imbalance: Fear of intimate contact, protective of personal boundaries; reactive or rejecting in relationships

FES Quintessentials Pomegranate 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Joyful expression of feminine creativity, actively productive and nurturing at home or in the world Patterns of imbalance: Ambivalent or confused about the focus of creativity, especially between values of career and home, creative and procreative, personal and global

FES Quintessentials Pretty Face 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Radiant inner beauty; self-acceptance in relation to personal appearance despite handicaps or blemishes Patterns of imbalance: Feeling ugly or rejected because of personal appearance; over-identified with physical appearance

FES Quintessentials Purple Monkeyflower 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Love-based rather than fear-based spirituality, calm and clarity when experiencing spiritual phenomena; the courage to trust in one's own spiritual experience or guidance Patterns of imbalance: Fear of retribution or censure if one departs from religious conventions of family or community; apprehension or avoidance of threshold experiences due to fear-based beliefs or ritual abuse

FES Quintessentials Quaking Grass 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Harmonious community consciousness, flexible and receptive in group work Patterns of imbalance: Dysfunctional in group settings, inability to compromise, over-attachment to personal will and desire in social situations

FES Quintessentials Queen Anne’s Lace 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Spiritual insight and vision; integration of psychic faculties with sexual and emotional aspects of Self Patterns of imbalance: Projection or lack of objectivity in psychic awareness; distortion of psychic perception or physical eyesight due to sexual or emotional imbalances

FES Quintessentials Quince 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Loving strength and firm loving; integration of masculine initiating power and feminine nurturing qualities Patterns of imbalance: Inability to catalyze or reconcile strength and power with affection and tenderness; dysfunctional or inconsistent parenting or leadership behavior

FES Quintessentials Rabbitbrush 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Lively and alert mental field; acute sensory perception and mobile state of mind Patterns of imbalance: Easily overwhelmed by details; unable to cope with simultaneous events, “fuzzy” consciousness that is unable to register details

FES Quintessentials Red Clover 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Calm and steady presence, especially in emergency situations, internally generated behavior Patterns of imbalance: Susceptible to mass hysteria and anxiety, easily influenced by panic or other forms of group thought

FES Quintessentials Rosemary 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Warm physical presence and mental vitality; healthy embodiment Patterns of imbalance: Forgetfulness or poor learning ability, loosely incarnated in body, lacking physical/etheric warmth, especially in bodily extremities; traumatic out-of-body spiritual experiences

FES Quintessentials Sage 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Wisdom derived from life experience; ability to assess and understand life process from a higher perspective Patterns of imbalance: Seeing life as ill-fated or undeserved; inability to perceive higher purpose and meaning in life events

FES Quintessentials Sagebrush 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Essential awareness that releases what is extraneous, receptive “emptiness” capable of transformation and change Patterns of imbalance: Over-identification with illusory parts of oneself; cluttered and chaotic attachments; need to release dysfunctional and stifling aspects within the personality or surroundings