Showing 169–180 of 190 results

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FES Quintessentials Star Tulip 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Sensitive and receptive attunement; serene soul disposition, inner listening to others and to higher worlds, especially in dreams and meditation Patterns of imbalance: Inability to cultivate quiet inner presence, lack of attunement or soul insight, unable to meditate or pray

FES Quintessentials Sticky Monkeyflower 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Balanced integration of human warmth and sexual intimacy; ability to express deep feelings of love and connectedness in sexual relationships Patterns of imbalance: Repressed sexual feelings, inappropriate sexual behavior divorced from human love; inability to experience human warmth in sexual experiences; deep fear of sexuality and intimacy

FES Quintessentials Sunflower 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Unique individuality, spiritualized ego forces infused into a sun-radiant personality Patterns of imbalance: Distorted or vacillating sense of Self; inflation or self-effacement, low self-esteem or arrogance; poor relation to father or solar aspects of Self

FES Quintessentials Sweet Pea 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Commitment to community, a sense of one's place on Earth, ability to form social roots Patterns of imbalance: Inability to form bonds with social community or to find one's place on Earth; homelessness, dislocation or frequent travel and moving

FES Quintessentials Tansy 30ml

Positive qualities: Decisive and goal-oriented, purposeful in action, self-directed mastery and achievement Patterns of imbalance: Lethargy, procrastination, inability to take straightforward action; habits which undermine or subvert real abilities and talents

FES Quintessentials Tansy 30ml

Positive qualities: Decisive and goal-oriented, purposeful in action, self-directed mastery and achievement Patterns of imbalance: Lethargy, procrastination, inability to take straightforward action; habits which undermine or subvert real abilities and talents

FES Quintessentials Tansy 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Decisive and goal-oriented, purposeful in action, self-directed mastery and achievement Patterns of imbalance: Lethargy, procrastination, inability to take straightforward action; habits which undermine or subvert real abilities and talents

FES Quintessentials Tiger Lily 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Positive social interaction; collaboration derived from dynamic balance of feminine and masculine soul forces Patterns of imbalance: Overly aggressive “yang” forces, excessive competition rather than cooperation

FES Quintessentials Trillium 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Secure sense of personal welfare and financial well-being; ability to serve and give to others Patterns of imbalance: Distortions in survival chakra, fear due to materialistic emphasis, greed for possessions and power; poverty consciousness that leads to overly-materialistic focus

FES Quintessentials Trumpet Vine 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Articulate and colorful in verbal expression; active, dynamic projection of oneself in social situations Patterns of Imbalance: Lack of vitality or soul force in expression; inability to be assertive or to speak clearly, speech impediments

FES Quintessentials Violet 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Delicate, highly perceptive sensitivity, elevated spiritual perspective; socially responsive but self-contained Patterns of imbalance: Profound shyness, cool and aloof, fear of being submerged in groups

FES Quintessentials White Trumpet Lily (Easter Lily) 30ml

Positive qualities: Soul purity which embraces all aspects of life and body, especially sexual identity Patterns of imbalance: Tension in sexual identity; conflicting sexual values or experiences; virgin/whore split in psyche