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FES Flourish Formula Magenta Self-Healer Spray 30ml

Magenta blossoms to encourage self-healing potential and physical vitality
  • As a foundational remedy in any wellness program; helping the body-soul to move toward a deeper level of health
  • For recovery from any major illness or surgery, to access deeper reserves of self-healing capacity
  • When healing progress for any trauma or illness seems stagnant; helping to boost immune forces by stimulating greater body-soul integration
  • For deeper insight into any illness or trauma, moving beyond materialistic causes to deeper soul-spiritual realization
  • To help children bolster immune forces during key developmental stages, growth curves or typical childhood illnesses
  • For animals who need to access sustained healing forces during illness or after surgery or other trauma

FES Flourish Formula Mind-Full Spray 30ml

Imparting a vibrant state of mental coherence and clarity
  • A foundational remedy for any professional lifestyle that demands high level sustained mental focus and intellectual clarity – such as research, writing, teaching, office management, or public speaking
  • For students who are facing major exams or needing to bring intellectual focus to difficult subject matter
  • For general dullness and mental lethargy, especially during the daytime; or when sleeping and eating rhythms distort or disrupt mental clarity
  • As a supplementary aid for those with a history of learning disorders or mental confusion; along with other appropriate therapies
  • During any major project requiring extra forces of mental concentration and clarity

FES Flourish Formula Post-Trauma Stabilizer Spray 30ml

To recover and rebuild from shock and trauma
  • For loss or disruption of any kind that creates bewilderment, numbness or shock in the body-soul complex – including amputation or debilitating injury within the physical body; loss or disruption to one’s home, community or environment
  • For relief work in any natural disaster or war zone – to address prolonged levels of shock and trauma and to help victims re-build and renew; beneficial for both humans and animals
  • Following any major surgery and during any sustained course of physical rehabilitation
  • Following the loss of a loved one or pet, if symptoms of shock or disassociation persist; can be used in tandem or in alternation with Grief Relief
  • As a supplement to drug rehabilitation, when the soul faces shattering memories or acknowledges what has been lost or damaged in one’s life
  • For re-occurring violent dreams and memories of past trauma, which intrude long after other forms of healing have brought physical stabilization

FES Flourish Formula Sacred Heart Spray 30ml

Integrating Heart Strength & Compassion in Relationships
  • To help any couple’s relationship evolve to its highest capacity by learning to both give and receive with vibrant heart forces
  • To heal and re-build after divorce and other failed relationships, allowing the heart to find renewed expression and new social possibilities
  • As a general heart elixir to improve close social relationships with family and friends; so that the heart operates from a place of honesty, integrity and genuine caring
  • To regenerate heart health, when prone to physical illness, heart-related stress, or a family history of heart disease; can be mixed into Self-Heal Cream and massaged into the chest/lung area; or used in tandem and/or alternation with Benediction Oil
  • During challenging episodes of adolescence and young adulthood; when learning to form meaningful relationships with others and establish appropriate boundaries
  • To help parents and other close guardians develop nurturing relationships with children, through strong heart forces that engender affection and respect
  • To help caretakers of pets enjoy loving, heart-based relationships while maintaining healthy boundaries and clear communication

FES Flower Essences Quintessentials (Range Of Light) California Valerian 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Tranquility and inner equilibrium; inner confidence for the future due to the soul’s understanding of prior experiences; peaceful acceptance of life experiences Patterns of imbalance: Shallow breathing due to anxiety about the future; nervous agitation or insomnia; worry and unease when facing future live events that are viewed as challenging; addiction to sleeping pills or tranquilizers

FES Flower Essences Quintessentials (Range Of Light) Explorers Gentian 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Renewed strength for meeting one’s life purpose and spiritual destiny; transforming crisis and loss into new opportunities Patterns of imbalance: World-weariness at mid-life; loss of connection with one’s spiritual destiny and life purpose; profound health crisis or loss that depletes soul forces

FES Flower Essences Quintessentials (Range Of Light) Green Cross Gentian 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Courageous soul alignment with the living being of the earth; hope and resolve for world service and healing despite setbacks or challenges Patterns of imbalance: Feelings of overwhelm, despair and defeat with regard to the condition of the earth; bereft and discouraged when living connection with the earth is disrupted due to natural or man-made catastrophe; ability to carry the elemental “cross” of the world

FES Quintessentials (Range Of Light) Glassy Hyacinth 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Redemption of suffering; transformation of emotional darkness into the light of soul understanding; resurrection forces of soul triumph Patterns of imbalance: Profound trauma, sorrow, emotional pain; ability to face evil, or the “shadow” of humanity; descent into hell

FES Quintessentials (Range Of Light) Green Rose 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Compassion as the doorway of connection to all living beings; love as a form of transcendent embrace and trust Patterns of imbalance: Fear, mistrust, defensiveness; fear of being attacked or annihilated and thus developing barriers to other living beings

FES Quintessentials (Range Of Light) Hawthorn 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Strong and vital bodily forces that impart power, courage and bravery; positive assertive forces Patterns of imbalance: Overly strong will that depletes heart balance; “Type A” aggressive, hostile personality; easily agitated or stressed when personal will forces are not satisfied

FES Quintessentials (Range Of Light) Hyssop 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Body-Soul integration of pain and suffering; ability to forgive and to accept forgiveness from others Patterns of imbalance: Body-based guilt or shame, self-punishment or mutilation directed consciously or unconsciously at the body; soul memory of previous abuse or shame that degrades body image

FES Quintessentials (Range Of Light) Lady’s Mantle 7.5ml

Positive qualities: Alignment with the living dew mantle (hydrosphere) of the Earth; ability to catalyze magnetic “green” forces through hands and heart; plant consciousness integrated as a radiant healing force in the human soul Patterns of imbalance: Dry or withered soul forces separated from the life mantle of the earth; intellectual or technical approach to healing; for the female reproductive system needing nourishment and stabilization when unconsciously aligned with the suffering of Mother Earth