FES Quintessentials (Range Of Light) Lemon 7.5ml
Positive qualities: Ability to integrate expansion and contraction in mental forces of the soul; mental clarity balanced with imaginative and artistic capacities
Patterns of imbalance: Mental fatigue or related toxicity in the nervous system, dreaminess; learning disorders including attention deficit
FES Quintessentials (Range Of Light) Lewisia 7.5ml
Positive Qualities: Profound expansiveness of the soul; star-like consciousness radiating exquisite sensitivity; the spirit breath of the cosmos united with the most tender aspects of human love and sensitivity
Patterns of Imbalance: Tenuous hold on earth forces due to extensive astral forces that do not contract fully; “indigo” or autistic children who cannot bring their full soul forces into incarnation; protection and sustenance during pregnancy or in early childhood for highly expanded soul types
FES Quintessentials (Range Of Light) Lilac 7.5mlFES Quintessentials (Range Of Light) Lilac 7.5ml
Positive qualities: Deep wellsprings of memory that rejuvenate the soul, neurological regeneration through stimulation of memory forces that connect the soul with joy and life meaning
Patterns of imbalance: Soul amnesia – inability to integrate or be nourished by past experiences of the soul, especially in early childhood; sadness, depression, or sense of burden due to a feeling of isolation, alienation or abandonment; reduced sensory experience as the precursor of brain disease or dysfunction
FES Quintessentials (Range Of Light) Lungwort 7.5ml
Positive qualities: Reclamation of soul light in the deepest structures of the body; recovery from depression or addiction with new forces of hope and upliftment
Patterns of imbalance: Depression registered in the body as physical gravity; listless, languid or drained - often localized in the respiratory system; sense of hopelessness or resignation with resulting depletion of energy; depression and low energy function associated with drug withdrawal
FES Quintessentials (Range Of Light) Ocotillo 7.5ml
Positive qualities: Positive fire forces grounded and integrated in the core individuality of the soul; charismatic fire as a source of heart radiance
Patterns of imbalance: Disembodied spiritual experiences not fully owned by the conscious soul; excessive psychic “fire” leading to emotional reactivity, psychic projection and distortion, or various forms of anger and violence
FES Quintessentials (Range Of Light) Pussy Paws 7.5ml
Positive qualities: Physical contact as a source of grace and gentleness in the soul; ability to touch and be touched with sensitivity and sensuality; softening of the soul forces toward greater receptivity
Patterns of imbalance: Fear of being touched; unable to allow softer side to be recognized or experienced by others; sexual abuse or violence that hardens the boundary of the skin and human touch
FES Quintessentials (Range Of Light) Redwood 7.5ml
Positive qualities: Stature and majesty in physical incarnation; soul embrace of creative forces of growth and physical vitality
Patterns of imbalance: Lack of physical strength, stature; hereditary or health issues that deplete vitality; stunted development of physical forces; spinal injuries or other afflictions to spinal health or bone structure
FES Quintessentials (Research) Agrimony 7.5ml
However feedback from practitioners who use it in everyday practice have found it may be useful for the following:
- Encourages the positive potential to open up, as well as communicate your real feelings.
- For those who hide a mountain of thoughts and inner turmoil behind their smile.
- Leave emotional discomfort in the past; face your emotion freely.
FES Quintessentials (Research) Apricot 7.5ml
FES ask you to help them in their research program by reporting on any new remedies which you find to be significant in your practice. Please contact FES for more information or follow this link https://flowersociety.wufoo.com/forms/case-reporting-form/
FES Quintessentials (Research) Aspen (Californian) 7.5ml
FES ask you to help them in their research program by reporting on any new remedies which you find to be significant in your practice. Please contact FES for more information or follow this link https://flowersociety.wufoo.com/forms/case-reporting-form/
FES Quintessentials (Research) Avocado 7.5ml
FES is continually researching the healing properties of a wide array of wildflowers from California and beyond. The Avocado essence
FES Quintessentials (Research) Centaury 7.5ml
However feedback from practitioners who use it in everyday practice have found it may be useful for the following:
- Encourages the positive potential to not deny your own needs. You can express and defend your opinions, uninfluenced by others.
- For when you are finding yourself drained by others, struggling to say no, and feel imposed on.
- Follow your own path unconstrained by others’ thoughts and feelings.
- Prevent weak-willed and subservient tendencies; don’t be scared to say “No.”