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FES Quintessentials (Research) Nectarine 7.5ml

FES ask you to help them in their research program by reporting on any new remedies which you find to be significant in your practice. Please contact FES for more information or follow this link

FES Quintessentials (Research) Oak (Valley) 7.5ml

However feedback from practitioners who use it in everyday practice have found it may be useful for the following:
  • Encourages the positive potential to remain strong while understanding your own limits.
  • When the struggle is real and you are exhausted but push on anyway.
  • Recognize your need to recharge.

FES Quintessentials (Research) Olive 7.5ml

However feedback from practitioners who use it in everyday practice have found it may be useful for the following:
  • Encourages the positive potential to revitalize yourself after making an effort.
  • For times when all reserves of inner strength and energy have run out.
  • Let go and allow yourself to revitalize and restore your mental energy.

FES Quintessentials (Research) Onion 7.5ml

FES ask you to help them in their research program by reporting on any new remedies which you find to be significant in your practice. Please contact FES for more information or follow this link

FES Quintessentials (Research) Orange 7.5ml

FES ask you to help them in their research program by reporting on any new remedies which you find to be significant in your practice. Please contact FES for more information or follow this link

FES Quintessentials (Research) Passion Flower 7.5ml

FES ask you to help them in their research program by reporting on any new remedies which you find to be significant in your practice. Please contact FES for more information or follow this link

FES Quintessentials (Research) Pear 7.5ml

FES ask you to help them in their research program by reporting on any new remedies which you find to be significant in your practice. Please contact FES for more information or follow this link

FES Quintessentials (Research) Petunia 7.5ml

FES ask you to help them in their research program by reporting on any new remedies which you find to be significant in your practice. Please contact FES for more information or follow this link

FES Quintessentials (Research) Prickly Pear Cactus 7.5ml

FES receives many inquiries about the status of the research essences. They are so designated because they are not yet sufficiently researched to be included in the Flower Essence Repertory. Flower essences are on the leading edge of holistic therapy, and careful field research and case documentation is extremely important for the continued development of this new approach to mind-body health care.

FES Quintessentials (Research) Rock Water 7.5ml

FES ask you to help them in their research program by reporting on any new remedies which you find to be significant in your practice. Please contact FES for more information or follow this link

FES Quintessentials (Research) Scleranthus 7.5ml

However feedback from practitioners who use it in everyday practice have found it may be useful for the following:
  • Encourages the positive potential of certainty and decisiveness.
  • For those who are viewed as unreliable, moody and often change their mind when making decisions between two possibilities.
  • Be more spontaneous when making decisions.

FES Quintessentials (Research) Star of Bethlehem 7.5ml

However feedback from practitioners who use it in everyday practice have found it may be useful for the following:
  • Neutralises the effects of grief and encourages the positive potential of inner strength.
  • Deal with the aftereffects of a life-altering experience.
  • Have comfort and soothe your pain and sorrows.