AromaStick Balance Nasal Inhaler Single 0.8ml
Organic Balance Nasal Inhaler 0.8 ml A harmonizing blend Stimulating and relaxing in equal measures Helps mind and body operate
AromaStick Calm Nasal Inhaler Single 0.8ml
Organic Calm Nasal Inhaler 0.8 ml Ensures you stay composed and in control by soothing mind and body Made from
AromaStick Energy Nasal Inhaler Single 0.8ml
Organic Energy Nasal Inhaler 0.8 ml Improve and enhance your mood whenever you need it Made from 100 percent organic
AromaStick Focus Nasal Inhaler Single 0.8ml
Organic Focus Nasal Inhaler 0.8 ml Full-on concentration with an intoxicating scent Help you stay focused Maintain attention, clarity and
AromaStick Refresh Nasal Inhaler Single 0.8ml
Organic Refresh Nasal Inhaler 0.8 ml Aromatherapy stick to help reduce congestion and improve breathing Perfect for numerous respiratory conditions
AromaStick Relax Nasal Inhaler Single 0.8ml
Organic Relax Nasal Inhaler 0.8 ml A relaxing blend of lavender, mandarin and vetiver oils Help you cope with everyday
Artemisia Plus 30t
Artemisia Plus is a specifically formulated remedy containing the medicinal herbs Artemisia annua (Chinese wormwood) to relieve mild fever, Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort) to support healthy digestion, Thyme to relieve symptoms of indigestion, coughs and mild upper respiratory tract infections, Clove to relieve vomiting, diarrhoea & abdominal pain, the carminative Fennel, with Pau D'arco, Cat's claw, and the amino acid Ornithine.
Artisan Salt 450g
The Mad Millie artisan’s salt is used to add flavour and preserve cheese and for making sourdough, sauerkraut and kimchi.
Ausganica 100% Certified Organic Essential Oil Chamomile Roman 2ml
Roman Chamomile is also a suggested oil for use during times of anger or irritability. If you've ever enjoyed a cup of Chamomile tea, you are already familiar with the aroma and sense of calm that chamomile offers. The aroma and sedative effect of the undiluted Roman Chamomile Essential Oil, however, is much more fragrant and powerful. Roman Chamomile is thought to be especially helpful in combating insomnia.
100% Certified Organic by ACO
Bach Original Flower Remedies Rescue Drops 10ml
Rescue Remedy has been used successfully on stressful days where we suffer from impatience, tension and pressure. It has also
Bach Original Flower Remedies Rescue Pastilles Blackcurrant 50g
Bach Rescue Remedy Pastilles Black Currant Flavor is a Homeopathic Remedy for Relief of Occasional Stress. Ingredients: Active Ingredients: *
Bach Original Flower Remedies Rescue Pastilles Cranberry 50g
Supports your mood during times of stress. May help to relieve feelings of anxiety & nervous tension. Sugar & alcohol