Tonik Plant Salted Caramel 20g Plant Prot 330ml
Tonik Plant Vanilla 20g Plant Protein 330ml
Tonik Pro Banana Flavour 20g Protein 375ml
Tonik Pro Chocolate Flavour 20g Protein 375ml
Tonik Pro Chocolate Honeycomb 20gProtein 375ml
Tonik Pro Coffee Flavour 20g Protein 375ml
Tonik Pro Strawberry 20g Protein 375ml
Tonik Pro Vanilla Flavour 20g Protein 375ml
Udo’s Choice 369 Oil Blend 90c
Udo’s Choice Beyond Greens 255g
PUdo's Choice Beyond Greens is a whole foods foundation for better health. It is made from a blend of organically grown whole foods, whole food concentrates and herbal extracts. It contains no fillers, binders or other non-nutrient ingredients. Just add a spoonful to your meal, milkshake, juice or yoghurt to get an extra boost of greens, essential fats, both kinds of fibre, phyto-nutrients, minerals, vitamins, naturally occurring enzymes, and proteins. Its a healthy, convenient, easy-to-use comprehensive nutritional foundation in one convenient formula. Especially useful for sneaking some greens into fussy kids meals!
Udo’s Choice DHA Oil Vegetarian * 250ml
Did you know that DHA (the good stuff in fish oil) has its origins in the algae that fish eat? For humans, there is a more effective route to consuming DHA than killing fish. Udos DHA Oil Blend has all the qualities of Udos 369 Oil Blend but with the added benefit of an exact amount of a vegetarian-sourced DHA. Its especially good for people who may not have enough ALA (starting material), due to dietary or genetic factors.
Udo’s Choice DHA Oil Vegetarian * 500ml
Did you know that DHA (the good stuff in fish oil) has its origins in the algae that fish eat? For humans, there is a more effective route to consuming DHA than killing fish. Udos DHA Oil Blend has all the qualities of Udos 369 Oil Blend but with the added benefit of an exact amount of a vegetarian-sourced DHA. Its especially good for people who may not have enough ALA (starting material), due to dietary or genetic factors.