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60 minute floating pod

Our chambers provide a light and sound free environment. They are filled with 10 inches of water and approximately 350 kilograms of dissolved Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate). This solution is perfectly heated to skin temperature allowing you to feel weightless and free from your senses. Since then, floating has been used for a variety of reasons, both anecdotal and scientifically backed:
  • Stress reduction
  • Anxiety relief
  • Sports recovery
  • Pain relief
  • To promote relaxation
  • Reduce headaches
  • Increased circulation
  • For more restful sleep
  • To learn to meditate

Colonic Irrigation

A Deeper, More Comprehensive Cleanse Over time, our bodies accumulate waste in the colon and intestinal tract. This is the waste and the toxic byproducts of not simply the food we ingest, but also the result of pollution and harmful chemicals in the air we breathe and the water we drink. Colonic Cleansing combines multiple alternative medical therapies to remove these toxins and achieve a superior and more comprehensive cleanse. Specialized therapies may include water, herbs, supplements and more. Customized for the Individual There is no one-size-fits-all therapy, and Pinnacle takes the time to understand your needs, identify the underlying causes, and take a holistic approach to achieving better overall health that may include colonic irrigation when appropriate. The benefits can be truly significant, and often feature vastly improved physical comfort from a deeper and more comprehensive cleanse, and that boosts energy, improves mood, and features enhanced vitality with greater overall wellness. The accumulated waste from pollution and toxic chemicals in our food and air can lead to a wide variety of health problems. Colonic Irrigation begins with a deeper and a far more comprehensive cleanse that boosts energy, improves mood, vitality and overall health.

Cryo Therapy

Cryotherapy is the use of extreme cold to freeze and remove abnormal tissue. Doctors use it to treat many skin conditions (including warts and skin tags) and some cancers, including prostate, cervical and liver cancer. This treatment is also called cryoablation.

Five Cryo Therapy Session

Cryotherapy, which literally means “cold therapy,” is a technique where the body is exposed to extremely cold temperatures for several minutes.

Five floating pod Session

Sensory deprivation tank therapy is said to produce several effects on the brain, ranging from hallucinations to enhanced creativity.

Five Hyperbaric Oxygen Session

Enhance Your Body’s Natural Healing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, (HBOT) is an advanced medical treatment option enabling the ability to breathe 100% oxygen in a special, atmospherically controlled chamber. For a wide range of ailments, results have been significant as part of a total healthcare strategy. Distinguishing this therapy is transporting oxygen at higher levels throughout the body by not only red blood cells, the traditional method, but by dissolving oxygen into all body fluids. This includes the plasma, central nervous system, bones, lymph fluids and more.

Five Infrared Sauna Session

Experience the Infrared Difference If you think all saunas are about the same, we have big news for you. Traditional saunas have been around forever. Virtually unchanged, delivering heat via the conduction and convection of heated air that is radiated through the heated surfaces of the sauna room. Today, infrared Saunas work differently. The body experiences radiant heat from infrared light, raising the body temperature and stimulating metabolic activity. Saunas have long been revered for relieving stress, but Infrared Saunas offer a whole new world of benefits.

Five Salt Room Sessions

Salt Room Therapy Discover the benefits for your health if any enquiry, please contact-

High Altitude Gym Session 1

Altitude Training is known for decades as the best way to preparing for competition in sports, boosting performance and immunity, and extending life.  

High Altitude Gym Session 5

Altitude Training is known for decades as the best way to preparing for competition in sports, boosting performance and immunity, and extending life.

Hyperbaric Oxygen – Parramatta

Enhance Your Body’s Natural Healing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, (HBOT) is an advanced medical treatment option enabling the ability to breathe 100% oxygen in a special, atmospherically controlled chamber. For a wide range of ailments, results have been significant as part of a total healthcare strategy. Distinguishing this therapy is transporting oxygen at higher levels throughout the body by not only red blood cells, the traditional method, but by dissolving oxygen into all body fluids. This includes the plasma, central nervous system, bones, lymph fluids and more. How HBOT Can Help A primary benefit is the ability to reach damaged tissues with extra oxygen in previously hard to reach or blocked areas or parts of the body with compromised or diminished circulation. In this manner, the body is supported and enhances its own healing process. It’s important to note the power of enhancing the ability of white blood cells through this therapy. By killing bacteria more efficiently, reducing swelling from injuries, and promoting the growth of new, heartier blood vessels in areas needing more attention to heal. Best of all, this is a simple, proven, non-invasive and painless, alternative method of treatment, that can improve the overall quality of life. HBOT is an outstanding option for a variety of ailments.