THE HEART CENTRED HERB CO Immune + Instinct x 14 Tea Bags
Immune+Instinct will call your strength, call your love of the fight. The fight to live your life, to survive, to thrive. This is a calling within you, scored deep into the solace of your soul, in every aspect of your being. May you hear it well, pooled in stillness, and know that you can never be alone. Unknown to you, your body saves your life every day. She defends you silently, valiantly and willingly. Trust your instincts as her voice, trust your body as her words. Her ability to heal will astonish. Nature is the calling: every plant, every herb knows this fight. Here, they share their instinctive insight and will resolutely resource you, arming your health's most vital shield. This is Immune+Instinct.
THE HEART CENTRED HERB CO Love+Light x 14 Tea Bags
I see you, you kind and weary heart. To the core of you calling, seeking out more light and strength and sense, to begin those path-full steps, I offer to you, a footfall, a foothold, towards a life that may yet, be kind. The one, like me, among a sea of souls , whom has had their heart broken and still, we feel the pain. I know you my kismet kindred . I share your hard won grasp, that the only possible use of these cracks in our hearts and souls is to allow us to hold more love and light, for each other and here, for you. This is Love+Light
THE HEART CENTRED HERB CO Pine Needle + Persistence x 14 Tea Bags
Licorice breaks down mucus, she nourishes linings of the nasal and digestive pathways, all the while she nobly restores energy and recovers stress. Why do without help, when you can have the<br>whole, present and consistent support. Plants can gift you the power to persist.
THE HEART CENTRED HERB CO Pine Needle + Pure x 14 Tea Bags
The story of pine needles is old so very old like the trees that cast and gnarl as they grow ever more toward the sun buffeted by the harsh harsh wind and weather; still she rises.
Pine can survive in the most severe and demanding environments such knowing we have around us and here with us strong and pure.
This is Pine Needle + Pure.
THE HEART CENTRED HERB CO Sleep + Sound x 14 Tea Bags
Sleep is the other form of consciousness the deeper knowing the other shore.
We so need rest the balm of sleep.
How long has it been since you could truly take your ease unburden your soul to the night? Sleep is the vacuuming of your mind your beautiful brain filters and files she processes she unpacks the day she works hard to make sense of our experience and gifts a new day knowing.
Denied the blessed sleep of babes we may descend into a deeply maddening void.
Without restorative sleep we become unsound there is no perspective no peace no order without sleep.
Sleep+Sound will take you there unfurl into safe sound sleep.
This is Sleep+Sound.
THE HEART CENTRED HERB CO Surrender + Serenity x 14 Tea Bags
Surrender is not giving up it is letting go of how we think we should be.
Release this overloaded inordinate pressure to perform.
You are not something to be driven by anxious fear by a need to justify each and every breath to somehow prove your value.
You no longer need tolerate being subject to an internal crueller your unseeing and insatiable parent.
Being driven is a distraction from who and what you are it stymies the natural flow of your life.
It will keep you far from the knowing that you alone just as you are are enough.
As uncomfortable as stillness can be its where the serenity we seek is found.
This is Surrender+Serenity.
THE HEART CENTRED HERB CO Tonic + Triumph x 14 Tea Bags
Tonics are to tone and uplift they resource your own inherent strength.
They are to restore you.
You are a powerful being a human being made to adapt manage and persevere.
There is no completely safe place in this world the fish are not safe in the sea but you do not need to be so safe you only need to be your ready resilient and resourceful self.
I believe in you.
That you may get worn out that you may know defeat and disillusion that you may want to give up is normal I hear you none of us escape life is here to alter you.
A life that perhaps could be kinder but a you a you that can revive and return stronger.
This is the triumph you were made for.
Connect to your true power revel in this found support.
This is Tonic+Triumph.
THE HEART CENTRED HERB CO Women + Wise x 14 Tea Bags
Bodies hold wisdom, they hold our knowing and our rhythm. They hold our stories. Daughter, Mother, Grandmother, women’s wisdom whispered through time, within you, as you were within your grandmother’s womb, a tiny ovum cell. Can you hear them now as you did then? The hum of the kitchen, the know-how, the go to, the deep care of you. When we cannot connect to our knowing , when we turn away from the whispered wise, shut down and conform, we risk, we wander, we may wane, wisdom might wither. Distress comes as our cycle’s rhythm falters, us and our balance lost. All transitions tenuous and tense. We ask you to bring them back, bring yourself back, recall, reconnect, recycle into the reckoning that is. Remembering we are all women and to connect is to be wise. This is Women+Wise.